أهلا بكم في سراييفو سيتي سنتر

Brums promo-video

For more than 50 years Brums is a leader in the field of children's fashions (0-16 years).

[{"img":"https:\/\/cdn.scc.ba\/vijesti\/2014\/10\/brums.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/cdn.scc.ba\/vijesti\/2014\/10\/t120\/brums.jpg","full":"https:\/\/cdn.scc.ba\/vijesti\/2014\/10\/brums.jpg","size":"177.50","dimensions":{"width":600,"height":null}},{"video":"http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gVdC3Gb4jxw","thumb":"http:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/gVdC3Gb4jxw\/default.jpg","caption":"BRUMS - Kids Clothing, Sarajevo City Center","fit":"cover"}]


Brums products, their style and functionality, as well as prices, are designed for our moms, who are looking for comfortable and fashionable clothes for their children.


Brums store is located on the third floor of the SCC.

مواعيد العمل

Monday - Saturday:
التسوق 10:00 - 22:00
المقاهي 08:00 - 23:00
السوبر ماركت 08:00 - 22:00
مكتب الصراف 10:00 - 22:00
We are closed