أهلا بكم في سراييفو سيتي سنتر


MyBook is a chain bookstore that operates throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our facilities, you will see a book all domestic and foreign publishers, and hit titles of the books on which the story. Our team led by the idea that the reading public in one place offers a quality selection of books that will enrich your personal library.


-1. floor / Location no 2 / Phone: 033 988 601

You can choose from popular fiction, interesting title, literature, historical novels, popular science, art, encyclopedic editions, children's books, dictionaries, manuals, scientific and epic fantasy, works of architecture, design, everything you want to read depending on your affinity. Enjoy the new titles of award-winning local and foreign writers, because the book is unique, portable magic.


MyBook team for you prepared and internet bookstore for online ordering and buying books.

Information about the books that you need can be found by author, field, or title. In our region, information on the best selling titles and editions that are particularly recommended.There are also lists the latest editions of the areas, which also can receive on your e-mail address if you become a member of our bookstores.


We provide you the opportunity to our website bookstore to buy a book as a gift on the way to choose a specific title, send us the address of your beloved that you want to rejoice and we will book for you and wrapped completely free sent to any address in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

مواعيد العمل

Monday - Saturday:
التسوق 10:00 - 22:00
المقاهي 08:00 - 23:00
السوبر ماركت 08:00 - 22:00
مكتب الصراف 10:00 - 22:00
We are closed  

قائمة أسعار موقف السيارات

الاثنين - الأحد
08:00 - 22:00 * 3,00 BAM / h
22:00 - 08:00 ** 1,00 BAM / h

أول 15 دقيقة مجاناًاً

* الساعة الأولى 2,00 مارك
الساعة الثانية 3,00 مارك
كل ساعة بعدها 2,00 مارك

** Every hour is 1.00 BAM

التعويض لبطاقة استخدام موقف السيارات الضائعة 30 مارك لكل يوم.

التعويض لإيقاف السيارة في الموقع غير المخصص لموقف السيارات يبلغ 40 مارك.