أهلا بكم في سراييفو سيتي سنتر

Sport Vision

Sarajevo Company Benefit d.o.o. operating since 2005 in a very short time has grown into one of the leaders in the field of sports shoes sales of clothing and equipment for sport in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


2. floor / Location no 10 / Phone: 033 733 040

What company makes it distinctive is its own commercial brand of "SPORT LIFE", under whose name appears in the market.


The company currently employs more than a hundred, mostly young men with enviable expertise in the field of trade, and their further development is constantly investing.

The number of employees is constantly increasing in accordance with the growth of the company.


Under the umbrella of "SPORT LIFE", six business units in Sarajevo and two in Mostar are currently operating.  The first Sport Life Kids shop was opened in Sarajevo City Center in March 2014. Except trademarks SPORT LIFE AND SPORT KIDS LIFE, the company has two Benefit franchise mono brand shopps NIKE, three ADIDAS shops and one CONVERSE shop.

مواعيد العمل

Monday - Saturday:
التسوق 10:00 - 22:00
المقاهي 08:00 - 23:00
السوبر ماركت 08:00 - 22:00
مكتب الصراف 10:00 - 22:00
We are closed  

قائمة أسعار موقف السيارات

الاثنين - الأحد
08:00 - 22:00 * 3,00 BAM / h
22:00 - 08:00 ** 1,00 BAM / h

أول 15 دقيقة مجاناًاً

* الساعة الأولى 2,00 مارك
الساعة الثانية 3,00 مارك
كل ساعة بعدها 2,00 مارك

** Every hour is 1.00 BAM

التعويض لبطاقة استخدام موقف السيارات الضائعة 40 مارك لكل يوم.

التعويض لإيقاف السيارة في الموقع غير المخصص لموقف السيارات يبلغ 40 مارك.