أهلا بكم في سراييفو سيتي سنتر

Best Solution Company

Best Solution Company was founded in 2013. Sarajevo by synergy of several companies that were engaged in making visual communications and digital print.<br /> The principal activities are prepared for printing, design, digital and print big formats, signboards and finishing of printed materials.


-1. floor / Location no 11 / Phone: 033 520 021

Best Solution is a specialized printing house which is equipped with modern digital machines types SEIKO, MUTOH, forest, Sisera, XEROX, CANON, HP etc.

Such equipment allows the high speed, high quality and affordable can print various graphic products in small and medium-sized copies, the all types of media from paper across multiple types of vinyl, canvas and various types of plastics and materials for the intended use.

 The main advantage of our printing over the competition is the speed and quality in all processes of the press, from conceptual design, test pattern, the realization of the press and finishing the installation and service throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

مواعيد العمل

Monday - Saturday:
التسوق 10:00 - 22:00
المقاهي 08:00 - 23:00
السوبر ماركت 08:00 - 22:00
مكتب الصراف 10:00 - 22:00
We are closed  

قائمة أسعار موقف السيارات

الاثنين - الأحد
08:00 - 22:00 * 3,00 BAM / h
22:00 - 08:00 ** 1,00 BAM / h

أول 15 دقيقة مجاناًاً

* الساعة الأولى 2,00 مارك
الساعة الثانية 3,00 مارك
كل ساعة بعدها 2,00 مارك

** Every hour is 1.00 BAM

التعويض لبطاقة استخدام موقف السيارات الضائعة 40 مارك لكل يوم.

التعويض لإيقاف السيارة في الموقع غير المخصص لموقف السيارات يبلغ 40 مارك.