Welcome to Sarajevo City Center

Zoo Centar

With the motto "All we need is love" Zoo Center continues to enjoy spending time with you and your pets.


-1. floor / Location no 30 / Phone: 033 520 160

Here you will find everything you need, whether you're a fan of dogs, cats, birds, rodents, a passionate aquarist or admirer of teraristika. Within the same pet shop operates a veterinary pharmacy, where you can find specific medicines and preparations.

Year by year Zoo Center acquires and builds trust not only with kindness of the staff, but also by expanding the range of adjustment to world trends.

Working Hours

Monday - Saturday:
Shopping 10:00 - 22:00
Cafe 08:00 - 23:00
Supermarket 08:00 - 22:00
Exchange Office 10:00 - 22:00
We are closed  

Parking Price List

Monday - Sunday
08:00 - 22:00 * 3,00 BAM / h
22:00 - 08:00 ** 1,00 BAM / h

First 15 minutes of Parking is free!

* First hour of parking 3.00 BAM
Every next hour 2.00 BAM

** Every hour is 1.00 BAM

Compensation for the Lost Parking Ticket for each day of use 40,00 BAM

Vehicles parked on unmarked locations will be blocked with a surcharge fee 40,00 BAM per day